Common Menus
- F1 vMenu (Vehicles and General Functions)
- F3 Emotes
- F6 Civilian Add On Vehicles
- F9 RTO (In Game Radio System)
- F10 Dept Menus (LEO/SAFD & More)
- I Open Inventory. Go to the shops to buy items!
- /eup Premade Outfits (Occasionally Useful)

👣 Player Movement
- C to crouch
- HOLD CTRL to go prone/dive to prone position to take cover/crawl when injured

- ` Ragdoll *Do NOT use this to play dead - character will keep getting up on other peoples screen!
Instead use a proper emote like /e passout /e shot /e sunbathe /e sit2 and many others

- SPACE climb or dodge punch
- SHIFT E to tackle player
- /carry when near someone to carry them or be uncarried
- /drag to drag someone
- /crutch walk with a crutch like Lester

🚀 FPS Booster
- /boostfps

🚀 Reload Textures
- /rt Helps reset textures if they are blurry or missing.
It is also suggested to turn down Extended Distance Scaling for blurry texture issues.
Turn UP Extended Texture Budget for missing textures.

🌾 Inventory System
- I Open Inventory. Go to the shops around the map to buy various items! Some are used for other functions too like the Farming script or Police Scanner. See below for more info. 💰 Money System
- /pay id amount (no dollar sign needed)
- You can also visit ATM's to take out cash or go into a bank near the teller desk and type /banking

💰 Making Money
- There are many ways in RP to make money with other real players but additionally we have AI jobs on our server. Locate some of them on the map. Such as the suitcase icons 💼 which are jobs you can do. As well as the green truck icon which is a really fun trucking job. We have fishing. Fight Club versus AI where you can win thousands of dollars. Postal Office job that starts out of Paleto and a lot more stuff you can do for fun to make money in addition to regular roleplay. Even slot machines! At your own risk! For more info on some of these features scroll down the page.
Note: Some jobs use E to start. Others you can hold your target button which is usually
- LEFT ALT on the nearby AI ped to start the job and perform functions in that script. If you don't see a pop up notification mentioning what you have to do, then its likely that you have to target the nearby item/object and use the targeting system.

🎁 Random Loot Crate Drop Rewards
- These spawn randomly throughout the state. You will see a light blue circle on the map and somewhere in it will be a hidden case.

💰 EOTS Trading Cards / Collectables
- Find Trading Cards All Around The State! Cards are worth varying amounts of Gems! Gems can be used to win cars or premium features.
- See the #collectables channel on Discord for more info.
Here are just a few of the cards we have:

🎬 Twitch Streaming Rewards
- /setTwitch and enter your Twitch username. Earn in-game-cash for yourself and your viewers! Get the Verified Streamer role on Discord by making a support ticket.

🚔 Vehicle Lights
- Q sirens on
- R to change siren style
- Hold Down R to turn on siren without lights while holding it
- H headlights and takedown lights
- LEFT ARROW or RIGHT ARROW Left Turn Signal / Right Turn Signal
- ESC or BACKSPACE Hold Button Down To Turn On Hazard Lights (4 Ways)
* These settings can be changed with FiveM keybind settings!

🤵 Player List

🆔 Show Player IDs Above Head

🆔 RP - ID Card
- /createid Make an ID for your current RP character
- /showid Show an ID for your current RP character

🎙 RTO Radio List
- CAPSLOCK You can change this in FiveM Settings Under pma-voice
- /rtolist toggle name list off/on
- /rtoname Eg. PO-123 | DiscordName

🔊 Local GTA Chat Voice Range
- F11

- EOTS PVP CAD/MDT = also see CAD
- FIVEPD B (only works in LEO vehicle)

📋 Info Cards
- /mcard Miranda Rights Card   /vcard EMS

PVP 911 & 311 Call System
- /311 Make a publicly visible call for Tow Trucks or DOT/LSDWP for road work/maintenance etc.
- /911 Type /duty to go on duty. (Type /duty again when going off duty and back on as a civilian.)
- /cops shows all who have blips on
- /blipduty turn on LEO blips
- /bliptag see your dept blips
- /bliptag # change your dept blip

If caught metagaming as a civ with blips on you will be banned.
Note: Only certified departments can use blips.

Civilians making in game 911 or 311 calls remember to add a postal code and brief description of whats happening and landmarks/other details so the LEO can find you.

Police/Sheriff AI K9 Unit Keybinds


🐕‍🦺 /k9 - opens menu
🐕‍🦺 /k9registerdog - opens dog registration
🐕‍🦺 /k9savedog - saves data into database
🐕‍🦺 /k9checkdog - check status of dog
🐕‍🦺 /k9spawn - spawn/despawn
🐕‍🦺 /k9delete - euthanize
🐕‍🦺 /k9follow - follow / stop
🐕‍🦺 /k9vehicle - get in/out vehicle
🐕‍🦺 /k9ball - spawns ball
🐕‍🦺 /k9fetch - fetch ball
🐕‍🦺 /k9searchped - search player
🐕‍🦺 /k9searchcar - search vehicle
🐕‍🦺 /k9feed - feed dog
🐕‍🦺 /k9reselect - reselect dog from menu
🐕‍🦺 /k9sit - animation
🐕‍🦺 /k9laydown - animation
🐕‍🦺 /k9animations - animations menu
🐕‍🦺 /k9carry - carry dog
🐕‍🦺 /k9camera - check camera
🐕‍🦺 /k9mount - mount camera
🐕‍🦺 /k9track - start tracking
🐕‍🦺 /k9heal - apply bandage or revive dog
🐕‍🦺 /k9armor - apply armor K9 CONTROLS:
AIM WITH WEAPON + E = Attack Player or NPC
AIM WITH WEAPON + B = Send Dog To Position
AIM WITH WEAPON on Target and press 'SEARCH PLAYER' or go close to them.


/partner - opens menu
/partnerregister - opens registration
/partnersave - saves data of partner
/partnercheck - check status of partner
/partnerspawn - spawn/despawn
/partnerfollow - follow / stop
/partnervehicle - get in/out vehicle
/partnerreselect - reselect partner from menu
/partneranimations - animations menu
/partnercarry - carry partner

AIM WITH WEAPON + E = Attack Player or NPC
AIM WITH WEAPON + B = Send Partner Ahead To Position

😺 Pets
- /pets Have a pet friend follow you around. Can even give your pet a name! Many different models of animals. (This is different from the LEO K9 which has commands.)

📢 Megaphone Premade Menu (Air One / NPC Style)
- /megaphone2 This feature plays predefined voice lines within 250 meters about 3 blocks. Use responsibly. Additionally has custom voice lines that can be added by devs.

📢 Megaphone Feature
- M Hold M. This increases your voice in addition to the F11 voice distance setting. Working in Emergency Vehicles only.

Hands Up/Surrender
- /hu or Change the keybind in your FiveM settings to your desired option. Change keybinds as well for these in your FiveM settings.
- /huk or Change the keybind in your FiveM settings to your desired option. Change keybinds as well for these in your FiveM settings.

Arresting/Detaining with Handcuffs or Other Tools
Zip Ties.
Place into vehicle.
Leg Shackles.
Cuff to a pole.
Pat down/search.
Blindfold if you have one in your inventory.

Inspect Dead Body
- L

Crime Scene Evidence Markers & Other Props
Use crime scene props and civilian props.

- /propsmenu - Brings up the Props Menu.
- /tape or /tapemenu - Go back to tape menu (when in edit mode)
- /ptape - Police Tape
- /ftape - Fire Tape
- /pickuptape - Remove Tape
- /pickupo - Remove Object
- /emarker [num] - Places evidence marker with number specified
- /pickupmarker - Remove Marker

Steal Someones Outfit
- Kill someone. Then press LEFT ALT and then an eye icon pop up then LEFT CLICK and choose STEAL OUTFIT.

FivePD Versus AI (Typically Online If Less Than 40 People Are In Game)
- F11 Y Z X B G Default FivePD Keys When Its Online
Also see 👮︱fivepd-vs-ai-info on Discord.

Fine Payment System (Certified Department LEO's Only - Logged)
- To fine someone for a ticket at the front desk of a station, or on the spot in a pinch use the command /fine Please use realistically on actual vets. Not on plain clothes.

Body Worn Emergency Light
- Use the command /uniled with ID, the amount and the reason of the fine. Must match up with CAD records!

🔫 Weapon Fire Selection Options
- X rate of fire
- K safety

Fancy Weapon Animation/Holster/Draw Menu
- /wam

Weapon Sling
- /sling 1 - sling weapon on front
- /sling 2 - sling weapon on back

🍸 Breathalyzer
- /testbac police for testing
- /bac set BAC level as a civilian

1) Spawn a basket at a hospital like Central LS or USCG stations at the marker with E
2) Pilot with helicopter can pick it up by pressing X and hovering over it at 7.5 METERS
3) Raise or lower the basket with arrow keys up and down. Right arrow to lock basket. Basket has collision.
4) Person being rescued will have to press E to get into basket once its lowered to them.
Notes: Do not slam it into things repeatedly or put it underwater or it can glitch out.

N - Drop Water
E - Activate Siren
E - Retrieve Bucket

🚗 Vehicle Seat Shuffle
- HOLD SHIFT to shuffle seats in vehicle

🏍️ Motorcycle Motorbike Tricks and Stunts
X / Controller A = Leg Trick
R / Controller B = Side Trick
C / Controller RIGHT STICK = Lie Down
TAB / Controller LB = Stand Pose
G / Controller DPAD LEFT = Air Trick
SPACE / Controller RB = Switch Side
Q = Reverse

Cruise Control
- DPAD UP, U to enable Press the brakes to disable just like IRL.

Steering Wheel Support
- /wheel EOTSRP Supports Steering Wheel use for FiveM

LVC Siren Controls
- /lvc

Advanced Neon Lights Underglow System
- /neons

Advanced Drones
- /drone 1 or /drone 2 has various features like heat, infared, nightvision and more!

Push Vehicle
- LEFT ALT (Third Eye > Push Vehicle)
- A Turn Left While Pushing
- D Turn Right While Pushing

🚗 Drag Races
- Go to race flags on the map and line up on the markers roughly. Then follow on screen instructions. When race finishes it will show you the best times.

🚗 Rally Races
- Win up to 50k in game if you make the best time during a competition!
Or just have normal races and see who has the best time to make it on the leaderboard!
Go up to the Rally race attendant and follow on screen instructions. Note: Competition can be entered at any time and whoever has the best time overall wins the prize.

🚖 PVP Taxi Meter
- M then move mouse onto the meter and click Start.
*You can change this under TaxiMeter in FiveM Keybinds!
Customer can see the fare as well. They should pay you using money system.

Custom Ads with your own Advertisement Image and Text
- Contact support to get your own! /ads

Custom Graffiti
- Contact support to get your own tag/poster etc! /spray and resize images with mousewheel. To remove graffiti use /removespray

Camping Spawn awesome camping props any time.
- /camping

Drive Trains
- Go to a green Train marker on the map, stand in the circle and press E then get into the train with F for entering a vehicle while standing beside the locomotive. Trains cruise by themselves, you just set the speed you want. Press X to emergency stop. Make sure the train is fully stopped before you get out and back in or it will start coasting by itself! Runaway trains are dangerous!

Train Job Mission
- More Info Coming Soon

- J Another method to attempt to connect trailer to trucks if backing into it doesn't work

- Hook: Position near bumper of car, automatically hooks.
- NUMPAD 8 To Lift
- NUMPAD 5 To Lower
- H to release.
- E for your flashing lights

Flatbeds Option 1 (Requires Numpad Also Good For Destroyed Vehicles)
1) /attach
2) press ENTER to select tow truck/trailer
3) walk to vehicle to be towed and press ENTER on that vehicle
4) then use the NumPad for positioning (5 is backwards
- PAGE DN is down etc)
5) press NUMPAD ENTER to lock into place.
6) To remove... /detach - move vehicle where you want to let it down... NUMPAD ENTER. Done.

Flatbeds Option 2 (More Simple But Not As Customizable To Place)
E Stand beside bed to attach/detach vehicle (useable in vehicle on bed as well)
Left Arrow Attach, Wind winch
Right Arrow Unwind winch
Up Arrow Raise Bed (automatic, click once)
Down Arrow Lower Bed (automatic, click once)
G Remove Rope

Drive On Trailer Attachments
- E Manipulate Ramps
- G Lock/unlock vehicle on the trailer
- F Get into vehicle (warps ped in to driver)

Winch Controls
- J Activate Winch
- Middle Mouse Down Confirm Anchor Point 1 - then repeat for 2nd point - Follow on screen controls as stated in top left - Can attach to vehicles and objects like trees or poles etc

Boat Trailers
Mostly you can drive the trailer into the water and press E with the boat hovering above the trailer to lock in place. *If you have issues, as an alternative try the Tow script with the /attach etc.

🏗 Construction Vehicle Bucket Controls
Mostly done with NUMPAD keys and vehicle extras.

Boat Anchor / Stand Up In or Near Boat On Dock
- HOLD , (comma) then wait to finish dropping anchor

🚁 Helicopter Camera

Vehicle Spotlight
- 5 or 8 (turn on spotlight extras)

Vehicle Cruise Control
- U and press the brakes to turn it off just like real life.

Vehicle Seatbelt
- B is the default but you can change it in your FiveM settings keybinds. Watch out for the cops!

Vehicle Stance / Suspension Editing
- PAGE UP Modify the suspension of a vehicle.

Civilian Radar Detector / Scanner
- /detector mute Mute
- /detector vol 100 Volume Level
- /detector hide Hide From Screen
- /detector move Move Scanner UI

Vehicle Radar System (LEO)
- F5

Vehicle Tracking (CIV or LEO)
- /tracker Place Tracker On Vehicle
- /scanner Scan For Trackers
- /removetracker Remove A Tracker Once Found
- /jammer Setup Jammer

Radar Gun (Hand Held) (LEO)
- You can press F1 and go to Weapon Options > Add-On Weapons to access the handheld radar gun. Q to aim down sight of Radar Gun. It will beep if a vehicle is speeding.

LEO Radar Trailer System
*Face the trailer and use the commands:
- /trailer on
- /setspeed #
- /setside l or /setside r for which side the traffic is on

DOT Radar Trailer System
- /togradar [on/off] # This enables or disables the trailer. By default is reports the left side, and the limit is set to 50 mph.
- /radarspeed [#] # (in increments of 5 [20-65]) | This sets the speedlimit sign, and sets above what speed 'SLOW' will display above the speed.
- /radarside [side] # l, left, r, right | This sets which side the trailer will report speeds from.

DOT Flagger Traier System

The trailer can be used in two modes.
Single: Operates on its own. Doesn't require a second unit. Only uses the base timer
Paired: Uses two trailers. The Timer is how long the gate is up for. The delay is how long between one gate closing and the other opening
Stand next to a flagger trailer!

- /flaggerpair

Two functions:
1: Starts the pairing process
2: Pairs with a second trailer if started pairing

- /flaggersingle
- Sets up a single flagger trailer to run on its own

- /flaggerdual
Two Functions Available:

1: Starts the flagger
Can be used on a single flagger or on the FIRST flagger in a pair
2: Pauses the flagger
Can be used on a single flagger or on the FIRST flagger in a pair
Paused flaggers sit with gates down

- /flaggerstop
Stops the flagger
Can be used on a single flagger or on the FIRST flagger in a pair
Stopped flaggers sit with gates up

- /flaggerinfo
Can be used on a single flagger or on the FIRST flagger in a pair
Displays the flagger state, timer, etc

- /flaggertiming
Can be used on a single flagger or on the FIRST flagger in a pair
Sets the time in seconds how long a gate is up

- /flaggerdelay
Can only be used on the FIRST flagger in a pair
Sets the delay between flaggers

Bait Car Menu (LEO)
- /baitcar

Vehicle Mobile Spike Strip System (LEO)
- /mobilespike install Install at Front of Vehicle
- /mobilespike remove Remove From Vehicle (Do This Before You Delete Vehicle)
- /mobilespike deploy or press G
- /mobilespike retract Retract Mobile Spike (Usually Automatic Though)
- G Default Keybind To Activate

Vehicle Grappler System (LEO)
- /grappler install Install at Front of Vehicle
- /grappler remove Remove From Suspect Vehicle
- /grappler reset Reset With New Net
- /grappler deploy Gets Grappler Ready
- G Default Keybind To Activate

Vehicle GPS DART Tracker System (LEO)
- Press G to deploy with suspect vehicle in front of you.
- Buy a Hammer and use it to remove a tracker with LEFT ALT

🔥 Fire Hose/Extinguisher & Tools
- Hose: /hose to enable or disable
- Tools: /spreaders /stablisers /fan
- Start/Stop Fire: /startfire Be realistic. You can ask for staff to help set fire scene for you. Do not spam too many fires or it will lag! Call /911 right away with detail and postal.

🔥 Fire Truck Rear Mounted Ladder
- Add the ladder to the truck with /addladder

Using the Ladder:

W/S = Up and Down
- A/D = Left / Right
- Shift/Control = Ladder In / Out
- Right Arrow = Bucket Out
- Left Arrow = Bucket In
- PageUp = Outriggers Out
- PageDown = Outriggers In
- Home = Supports Down
- Insert = Supports Up

More Truck Commands:

- /entercage
- /exitcage
- /resetvehicle

Scene Notes
- /scene Your Text Here do not make permanent! 📹 Weazel News/LivePD Script
- /cam, /mic, /bmic

🌱 Farming - Grow Crops!
1) Go to a Feed Store or Hardware Store, or Walmart and press E at the first checkout or shop location to buy the items you need in your inventory.
2) Purchase whatever SEEDS you want as well as a Shovel, Watering Can.
3) Go to one of the tractor symbols which means farm fields. You can plant your crops by using the seeds here. Use your Watering Can to grow the crops!
4) Harvest the raw crops at a harvesting machine or bring them to a lab to harvest and sell.
5) You can sell to real people or npc by typing /selldrugs then use LEFT ALT.
6) You can ALSO pick existing crops that are around the map and craft those at labs!

🎱 Play Pool/MiniGolf/Darts/Arcade Games
- E when near game

🎰 Slot Machines
- E Walk up to a slot machine and press E. Follow other keybind info on screen.

🎣 Fishing
Get bait from fishing supply areas on the map (blue lure symbol) and sell at an orange $ spot
- /fish, /inventory

🎳 Bowling
- E Walk up to aisle and press
- SHIFT + E To make Team Game

Skateboard or Rollerskates Rollerblades
- /skate or /skateboard or /blades (These are both controlled like a Bicycle)

⚪⚫ Checkers Board Game
- /elo Your checkers ELO Rating across server
- /checkers Start a checkers game. Anyone nearby can join you.
- E to remove table or click the X to quit the Checkers game

🟠 Orange Picking Controls
- E beside tree

Slut Controls
- /hooker after your get one in your car

Soccer Football Keybinds
- SHIFT F Slide
- Q Pass with the Q key
- X Shoot
- Z Cross Pass
- G Steal the Rainbow
If the player is within the goalkeeper's borders, move to save the shots with the 1 and 2 keys.

Brake Cutting Script
Get Wire Cutters from a store in game. Then stand at the front of a vehicle and use the tool to cut someones brakes!

Catalytic Converter Cutting/Theft
- Go buy an Angle Grinder from a store in game and stand beside a vehicle.
- Then use the item while facing the SIDE of the vehicle. It will then start searching to cut the Catalytic Converter.
- Sometimes as an alternative option /cutcat command can be used but doesn't always work. Try either one.
- Then you can go sell it to the mechanic in Mirror Park.
- Meanwhile the person's vehicle will be loud and smokey when they return to it and DOT Enforcement can give them a ticket.

🏧 Breaking Into ATMs

1) Back up a strong vehicle near it.
2) /atmdrill standing in front of it
3) /atmrope attach to back of vehicle then attach to ATM in wall
4) pull atm out by driving forward
5) walk over and grab the cash (amount varies)

Note: The person who starts the drilling is the one who can actually collect the cash. The rest of the accomplices can be lookouts or whatever. Divide up the spoils.

- Hit ATM with crowbar multiple times until it breaks and shoots out cash.
- We suggest doing a 911 call half way through to RP that you're being seen or there is an ATM alarm
- Additionally, you MUST DO YOUR /GME DURING THE RP. As always.

Custom LEO Lighting (EmergencyVehicleCreator)
- See YouTube [ ]

F7 is default to open menu.

* Set your "EVC" keybinds in the FiveM section of your keybinds menu!

* I suggest using 4, 5, 6 for lights & custom sirens. So as not to conflict with anything.
* Do not have the lights turned on when adding new lights or they will be in a different sequence.

1) Save your vehicle using the usual F1 method BEFORE you do the lights.
2) Open the EVC menu.
3) When Finished Editing, SAVE IN THE SCRIPT. It will then link up to your car.

Other Tips:
* Turn them on to check how they look but turn them off again before you add another light bar!
* The mirror tool is nice, get used to how it works.
* Make sure you have selected the active light bar you want to move when adding a new one.
* LOCK your vehicle as a personal. Just like in a real life. Treat it like you don't want it to be stolen.
* Sometimes a mass dv/desync can cause the lights to disappear. They are not gone. Just respawn your car at a garage.

Just Some Useful Chat Commands
- /ooc if going out of character or just normal chat (try to limit this)
- /do rp actions
- /gme globally visible rp chat
- /me rp chat above head
- /vpn dark web
- /ad text with Ad
- /twthandle set twitter handle
- /twt make a tweet
- /news make an in chat news post
- /eng turn engine on/off easily
- /trunk
- /hood
- /e shot
- /e fall
- /e passout
- /e sunbathe
- /e die
- /e leanhigh
- /e leanbar
- /e lean
- /e sitchair (there are many of these)
- /e sit (there are many of these)
- /e cop
- /e guard
- /e parkingmeter
- /e notepad
- /e inspect
- /e knock
- /e weld
- /e hammer
- /e backpack
- /e suitcase2
- /e mechanic (there are many of these)
- /e medic
- /e cpr
- /e cig

• This page is subject to frequent updates. Bookmark it for your convenience.
• This page is coded by Legacy and property of EOTS.
• The keybinds are made for very customized scripts in FiveM - GTAV.
• Most of these are a default reference point
• Meaning, they may not be the same as your current keybinds.
• Many keybinds can also be changed in FiveM settings to your liking.
• Sorry, controller keybinds not added here for the most part...
• These constantly conflict due to being so limited. Play with a controller at your own peril. FiveM is a PC game after all.